Friday, April 30, 2010

Time to rewrite human history?

This has been on my mind for quite some time and now I have an urge to put this down in my blog. After reading numerous articles and having read books which ask the question "HAS HUMAN CIVILIZATION EXISTED FOR MORE THAN 5000 YEARS" I have decided to come to the conclusion that "yes, it may have actually existed for more than the period we know or have blindly accepted". Why this inspiration, don't ask. As I always say, I call myself a truth seeker. My obsession started with light readings related to secret societies and occult science and then moved to serious discussions regarding world history. After having read these articles and also having read the counter arguments of the main stream scientists, having had countless hours of arguments in my close circle, it only inspired me to spend more time on the internet do more research on these things. And I could come up with only one conclusion that it may be high time that human history be rewritten. Does it make any difference? Honestly this may not affect or mean anything to more than half of the people in this world and personally speaking, not even me. But I always believed that if something needs to be taught to a common man or a child, then let the truth be taught. And I think that at this point of time, main stream archeologists and scientists have come to a point where they are taking deliberate measures to either suppress the truth or selectively filter knowledge just because the recent findings and evidences just don't fit the accepted theory. Instead of putting an honest effort into unraveling the truth, I feel that every measure is being taken by the main stream academics to discredit any startling findings. I personally feel that any person who puts an honest effort to unravel these mysteries is just discredited or being called names and pushed away into the group of pseudo science. Mind you, the conclusion I have drawn from these evidences is strictly my point of view. You need not agree with this and you are free to argue with me. But if you do intend to argue with me, all I say is do your homework properly and then pit your arguments. I have personally experienced three kinds of people whenever I put forth my arguments to support my conclusion to rewrite history. The first category involved people who outrightly rejected it and called me stupid, gullible and what not. The second set of people actually read the articles I presented, found it interesting and yet refused to accept it. The third set involved people who said that they would not reject anything outright and would consider this as one of the numerous possibilities. I have absolutely no qualms with the second and third set of people and I do respect their point of view. But I definitely do have issues with the first set of people (I don't have any personal issues with them, they aren't my enemies and they are indeed nice people). The only problem I have with such people is that they don't do their homework properly before rejecting something outright. When I presented articles to support my point of view, they just refused to even read them, applied no logic or common sense, and just went on arguing that everything which is accepted today is right. They even refuse to accept that even most of the times accepted science can be wrong and there are times when accepted science has seriously erred on many occasions. All I want them to do is do a proper homework, try to be open minded (whether they accept the theory or not) before they reject anything.

Now coming to the question "Did advanced human civilization exist for more than 5000 years?", I am compelled to believe that it has existed. Fortunately or unfortunately, for good or bad, it has become a lost chapter in human history. There are hundreds if not thousands of evidence available and new discoveries are made almost everyday in one or the other part of the world. Frankly speaking I am no academic, I may not know even the tip of the iceberg. I am interested in only reading about these things and not any serious research. Moreover, I should admit that I myself don't necessarily believe in all the things which are submitted as proof without sufficient evidence to back them up. But I will certainly say that from whatever simple proofs they have found, for a person with ordinary general knowledge and common sense, it seems highly impossible to reject these evidences. I can keep writing endlessly on this post but it will take me days together to complete it. I will present some very simple yet uncomfortable evidences. You can draw your own conclusions and as I said earlier, if you want to argue with me, you better do your homework properly to back up your evidence.

In this post I will post only a few recent marine archeological findings whereas in my next post I intend to post some other findings. Off late numerous findings have been made in marine archeology especially sunken cities. These sunken cities are found all over the globe. What I mean by "sunken cities" are the vast complexes of man-made or built structures which are now submerged under sea. I won't be going into details of when they were found or any such chronology or stories. I will just introduce them very briefly and post a few links. You can check them out.
There are many such sunken cities found today all over the planet, some controversial and seemingly mysterious and others accepted as genuine waiting further evidence gathering. One such sunken city is Yonaguni, an island off Japan, a part of the Ryuku islands chain. Massive structure of a supposed pyramid has been found underwater near this island. The step formation and the structure of the stone has become a mystery. Mainstream scientists tend to argue that it is a natural stone structure. But serious questions have been raised about the natural formation theory. Scientists have been forced to accept that though the structure may not be entirely man-made there may be significant human intervention here. Similarly a sunken city was found near the western coast of India (the Gulf of Cambay) which is the supposed mythical city of Dwaraka and a city near the south eastern coast of India near Mahabalipuram. There is also an underwater city found near Cuba.
With all these discoveries, one can only start wondering what these cities are doing under sea and how they came there? And looking at the vast complexes, one needs to start questioning if large civilizations existed before the ice age and the great deluge. Here are some of the links, take a look at them, use your own common sense and reasoning, and draw your conclusions. I will be posting some more supposed proofs which state that not only did civilizations exist before the ice age, but they were also technically advanced.
If you still want to reject it right away, then I can only say "Let them with eyes see".

You can also take a look at the photos here

1 comment:

  1. Nice post man!
    People use to say that we are smarter than our ancestors, but I don't belive so like this, I think the man who lived here a long time ago, is the same man that is living now.
    You may imagine the astrology desenvolved by Maias. We have more tecnology right now, but they had a great astrology system without any help of technology. And I agree with you when I see this pictures for example. I also think that if some tragic things happend in the past, as ice age for example, something like that will happen again in the future. Maybe we have the necessary tecnology to pass through it nowadays.. but to be honest with you, I am not so sure.
