Now, this is a slight deviation from my previous topic. But hey, listen. This is my blog and about my experiences. So I write whatever I want, remember? hahaha.. I know I sound like a jerk here, but I sometimes used to get surprised at it myself (and of course sometimes proud of being an occasional jerk. You should try it out once). Then I found something interesting.. Astrology!! Yeah yeah.. I know. Astrology is bulls... whatever!! But, that is the funny thing. I used to consider the same before I accidentally stumbled upon some astrology website. I was curious as always (yeah, you can never kill my curiosity) and was surprised to see that most of what I learned through astrology did come true.
Now, I am not talking about horoscopes. No sire!! I don't believe in horoscopes unless they serve my purpose. You need to understand that astrology is far more than the daily strip of horoscope you read in the newspaper. And I am absolutely not interested in that daily strip. I know that I control my life and not the circumstances around me. It's been like that from the day I started thinking. But I do believe that astrology can reveal more about oneself and help them understand more about themselves. For example, why they behave the way they behave, why someone else looks at you in a particular way and so on.
In my case, I knew that I was (and will always be) "weird" and different from people around me. People never seemed to understand me and I never feel comfortable with the "normal" crowd. I don't make friends easily and whoever I call my close friends, I will keep them for life and I can do almost anything for them. I was desperate to know why. And as I said earlier, I accidentally stumbled upon astrology. From then onwards, I have been actively researching it.
Now, why did I bring this topic? Well... Frankly speaking, I came across a very interesting website and post on that. It is dedicated to my kind. The kind of people you either hate or love, but can never ignore. It is about the kind of people you will either respect or be afraid of. And in all probability, it is the kind of people 90% of you will fall for. It is about Scorpios.
Yeah, I know the dirty expression on your face. Or is it just plain fear? Oh, I hear you calling me a creepo, a jerk or even a bitch (I know you are using better swear words than those). For others, I am sure you have the expression of WOW!! interesting.. You know the funny thing? We are the most misunderstood sign of the zodiac. Naturally I won't be offended about what you are thinking about me right now. If you are my kind, I know you are chuckling and you know what I am talking about (even if you don't believe in "astrology").
So, I want to set the record straight. The post I am posting here gives you our general characteristics. Again, know that these are our general characteristics. Each person is unique and necessarily doesn't have all these characteristics, and so do I. But this has definitely helped me understand myself a lot better. It has also given me the confidence and strength to know what I truly am and what my powers really are. So, here you go. I have deleted some points and added my own points so that it looks less offensive. On the other hand.. If you are offended, that's not my problem!!
1) I’m a Scorpio (I know.. *gasp*)
2) Most people think I’m mean but if you get to know me, I’m actually a cool person.
3) I am a difficult person to get to know though. Scorpios are highly secretive.
4) You’ll never really know what I’m thinking. I could be feeling you but you wouldn't know it.
5) If I go out of my way to talk to you (rare), I either care about you, or you got something I want. ROFL!!
6) Flirting does nothing for me. Confidence=turn on, as well as other little simple things i'm not telling.
7) I think about sex more than I care to admit. That doesn't make me a sexual predator, a sexual psychopath or a nymphomaniac.
8 ) It may seem like I’m picky when it comes to love, but I’m really just weeding out all the dummies. I don't settle for second best.
9) I don’t trust many people completely. You need to prove your trustworthiness. Naturally I have a handful of close friends who I completely trust. And they know who they are.
10) I am irritable. Don’t irritate me. Thanks.. LOL!!
11) Oh, I know how to push your buttons. It’s fun and I love it.. har har!!
12) I usually get what I want. I’m kinda persuasive like that.
13) I don’t let many people in, because they wouldn’t understand the depth of my thoughts. Only those who understand that depth or share the same feelings are my closest friends.
14) So I keep to myself, and smile at you silly, superficial azz people.
15) I’m a people watcher. I see you!
16) I am not an introvert. But I need my space when I want it. Don't dare step inside that space.
17) You don’t want to see me mad. You will see hell.. Period.
18) I’m independent. I am my own rule book. But I love to be loved.
19) If I let you in you will see that I’m one of the most downest people you’d ever meet
20) I’m a serious person but I’m funny too, I’d do anything to make you laugh, even at my own expense.
21) I’m an affectionate person. Not in public though. Unless I’m in *that* kinda mood
22) I feel 1000000000 times stronger than most. But I know how to keep it together.
23) I keep my friends close, and my enemies closer >:)
24) You have an attitude problem? You know nothing about it. Let me teach you what it is. Rather, let me show you.
25) You probably don’t know about it, but I have MASSIVE and HUGE goals in life.
26) You’re all bark, no bite. I DON'T BARK. I BITE.
27) I’m a great multitasker.. at work, home, in the bedroom (keep that in mind *wink wink*)
28) One of the best ways to lose me quick is to try to make me say or do something I don’t want to do.
29) When I'm talking, give me your undivided attention. Else you don't deserve mine. Simple!!
30) I will give you all of me, and I want the same in return.
31) 98% of you wouldn’t be able to handle me *shrugs*
32) Keep me happy and interested, and you’ll have the most loyal partner for life.
33) I won’t stick around if I’m not interested. I can’t fake, sorry.
34) Hurt my family, I’ll hurt you.. Hurt me, I will kill you.. Even if at my own expense.
35) WARNING: Forget LCD or cocaine. I am the real deal. When I’m gone you WILL experience withdrawal symptoms.
36) I need someone who will support my ambition, not get in the way.
37) I could be your best friend or worst enemy. Choose which one you want.
38) When I love, I love HARD. That’s why I tend to love few. You have to be worth it.
39) I am difficult at times. I want to see you prove that you love me. Call me jealous, I don't care. It is just my way of showing I love you more than anything else.
40) I’m worth it. I promise <3
41) I don't like being bothered with questions. If you bother me, I'll ignore you.
42) Don’t play with me. I invented this game.
43) I like to get my way, but I like it even more when there is a challenge involved. The best way to turn me on - give me challenges.
44) I never show what I feel, NEVER !!
45) (We want) Real love. Ridiculous, inconvenient, all-consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love. Everything else is fake.
46) When we are quiet, we aren’t being arrogant we are watching and thinking everything.
47) I can sometimes forgive, but I NEVER forget.
49) I love people, but I don't mind hating them.
50) Darkness is a state of mind we know too well.
51) Don’t underestimate what I might know. I know everything about you! I know you more than you know yourself.
52) We have an extreme passion within us. One that you’ll probably mistake for what you think is love.
53) I don’t trust easy….so have patience…I will question you, deal with it… I am just testing you to see if you are worth my time.
54) I Never Let Some1 Play With My Feelings Wht So Ever! You hurt my feelings, you are dead.
55) The only thing that can stop ME from anything I put my mind to, is ME!
56) I know I’m a bitch/ass.... Thanks for the compliment. Tell me something new.
57) I better be a bitch/ass.... than being a doormat.
58) (Scorpios) like to read people but never let anyone read their minds.
59) Scorpios don’t Trust easily. It has 2B Earned.
60) We are both hard and soft. What you see outside is not necessarily what you get.
61) Treat me good and I will treat you better, treat me bad and I will treat you worst.
62) How about…I say what I want to say and I do what I want to do.
63) I don’t like being in emotional limbo. It’s all or nothing. If you are afraid of emotions, go screw yourselves.
64) If we fall down seven times, we’ll get up eight times. You can never destroy a Scorpio completely.
65) I am not going to stick around if I see you flirting with someone else. Flirting is my birth right, not yours.
66) If I love you, I can be completely into you. But if you do something I really dislike, we’re done, YOU killed it. I don't know who you are anymore.
67) Once I see that other side of you, it will never be the same, I won’t forget
68) It takes a lot to hurt me but fck… when I do hurt, it hurts SO bad.
69) I’m super quiet when I’m upset. Nothing you do or say will get me to smile or react. Leave me alone. When I feel better, I will come out and make you laugh.
70) When I love someone I make them the center of my world, I put them above all others.
71) I don’t want to share you. You are mine.
72) Don’t tell me what to do. If you do, I’ll most likely do the opposite.
73) I’m stubborn. Once I’ve made up my mind there’s really nothing you could do. I’ll respect your effort though.
74) I’m not impressed when you brag about superficial things. Don’t throw yourself at me, it’s tacky.
75) I don’t PLAY hard to get, I AM hard to get! You want me? Prove your worth.
76) If I were to tell you what it takes to get me, I’d have to kill you.
77) I like that subtle sex appeal and confidence. Nothing over the top. Don’t try too hard.
78) Lie to me and you’ll get the blank stare *_*
79) Sometimes I’ll pretend I don’t know something, to see if you’ll admit to it or bring it up
80) I’m not afraid of you, you, or YOU! Try me, I DARE you.
81) If I don’t know you or don’t like you, you don’t exist. Don’t flatter yourself thinking that you cross my mind.
82) I could cut you out of my life in a split second if you cross me. I may love you, but I can instantly drop you.
83) Yea I’m a sexual person, it doesn't mean that I’ll just sleep around with everyone.
84) It takes more than good looks to get me, I’m far from shallow.
85) If I’m good to you, don’t take my kindness for weakness. That can change QUICKLY
86) My mood can change in the blink of an eye. Be ready.
87) It’s hard to capture my interest, and hard to keep my interest.. but once you have it, you have it all.
88) Seducing… it comes natural to me.
89) I know I’m driving you crazy when I *casually* touch you in public. I act innocent though.
90) I’m more in control than you think. I know exactly what I’m doing.
91) I won’t profess my love by shouting it on a rooftop, I’ll show you it in other ways.
92) I have a tight circle of friends. You’re either in or out.
93) I may flirt with others. Don't take it seriously. If I love you, I love you and only you.
94) I could be excited/sad/pissed inside but you’d never know it, unless I wanted you to know.
95) I’m very intuitive. I can read you like a book so you can’t really surprise me. Don't lie to me. I will find the truth.
96) I’m a loyal person, cheating is not an option. If I wasn’t happy with you, I’d be single!
97) I could get pretty ruthless when I’m mad :/ Nothing is off-limits
98) People usually comment on my eyes or the way I look at them “Don’t look at me like that!”. You will either get attracted to me or you will be afraid of me.
99) I’m intense, passionate, loyal, determined and intuitive.
100) I can be intense, jealous & demanding but if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.
So, here you go. I am most of them if not all. Now you don't have an excuse not to understand me. But yeah, you will still never understand me completely :) Mind you!! As I said earlier, these are just our generic characteristics. Each and everyone of us are different and unique. Which one of these characteristics apply to me? That is for you to find out. I am a Scorpio dammit!! I don't give out my secrets :)
And my fellow Scorpios, be proud of what you are :)
Experiences beyond the Normal
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Mystery of the Nazca lines
After a long lazy sleep, I wake up again. I know that it has been almost a year since I posted anything on this blog. But yeah, as you may have assumed, sometimes, life takes over and some of our interests and passions take a back seat. Nonetheless, here I am, posting this again. A couple of posts ago, I had told you that there are evidences suggesting the existence of highly advanced civilizations earlier than 5000 BC.
Although some of them don’t appear to be direct evidences and rather appear as mysteries, solving these mysteries automatically brings you to a conclusion of existence of things beyond what was taken to be granted. Most of these don’t require any rocket science to prove the existence. All they require is the use of common sense and simple logic. Unfortunately, common sense is not all that common in the age of academic PhDs, is it?

The Nazca lines in Peru are some things which fall into this category. Naturally, people who hate their PhDs and their hand written text books to be challenged stick to their guns saying that these lines are nothing but drawings drawn by the early natives to kill their time. My question is, “are you serious”? Let us first examine the location of these Nazca lines and then the drawings or the geoglyphs themselves.
The Nazca lines, as most of you may know, are geoglyphs present in the Nazca desert in Peru. For safety sake and to give a bit of credit to the scholars, these geoglyphs are believed to be created somewhere between 400 and 650 AD by the people of the Nazca culture. Now let us look at the terrain. Look above where I said Nazca desert. That means there is absolutely no vegetation. Moreover, studies and research show that Nazca desert had no history, whatsoever of vegetation for thousands of years. This means that, there are neither trees nor any source of water for kilometres. This naturally implies the impossibility of humans to survive in that desert.

Now, let us look at the geoglyphs themselves. There are about 300 figures in this desert in the form of birds, animals, insects and even human beings. These are made of straight lines and geometric shapes. They stretch for kilometres together (for almost up to 80 kms). So, what is weird about that? If you look at these figures from the ground, they look just like straight lines and some random haphazard lines. When you view them from the air, this is when they actually look like figures. So, if someone had to draw these figures for kilometres together, someone should have directed them from the air. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I mean, who could possibly imagine an aeroplane in the period 400 – 600 AD?
But again, how logical or sensible is it to say that tribal people with no help from anyone, without food and water and no human habitable conditions would leave everything behind to come and draw figures which stretch over kilometres? Wouldn’t it take hundreds of years without proper food and water and no geometrical instruments and no map to draw these geoglyphs in a desert? Who in their right mind would come to a desert just to pursue a hobby of drawing? And how could these tribal people, without any external help draw massive geometrically perfect drawings which can be viewed only from air? Who taught them to create such impeccable piece of art?
Again, let us assume for a moment that the indigenous tribal people did draw these massive geoglyphs. The question is why? There must be a purpose, right? Some scholars and academic experts argue that they were for the purpose of crop harvesting. Crop harvesting? In a desert? Am I missing some sense here? Another argument is that they drew these geoglyphs to remember their gods. Alright, this seems agreeable. But wait!! It is not over yet. Who were these gods whom these natives feared, loved and respected so much that they took so much effort for centuries to draw these geoglyphs?
It doesn’t end at the geoglyphs. If you take a look at any picture taken from the sky of the desert, you will also witness massive aircraft runway strip-like plains in the desert. Again, aircraft runway strips in a desert? What are they doing there? Scholars are reluctant to accept them as runway strips. But, take a look at a photo and you decide what they look like. I take here, the liberty of assuming that these gods must have been really important for these indigenous people. And they must have been highly technically advanced. They must have given these people something which these people became indebted to.

Maybe, they taught them agriculture, animal farming and harvesting? And maybe something more? How about the art of drawing and using geometry for these drawings? And maybe they also had sufficient technology to guide these people from the skies? Even if they didn’t flying, how about a map and the knowledge of using a map? Sounds absurd and farfetched? Not more absurd than the claims made by the academics about people drawing geometrically perfect geoglyphs for fun in a desert just because they didn’t have any other work to do.. And with no guidance from anyone else.
So, with all these questions and mysteries staring us in the eye, wouldn’t be a possible theory to state that there must have been indeed a civilization in the distant past which must have been technically advanced?
Although some of them don’t appear to be direct evidences and rather appear as mysteries, solving these mysteries automatically brings you to a conclusion of existence of things beyond what was taken to be granted. Most of these don’t require any rocket science to prove the existence. All they require is the use of common sense and simple logic. Unfortunately, common sense is not all that common in the age of academic PhDs, is it?

The Nazca lines in Peru are some things which fall into this category. Naturally, people who hate their PhDs and their hand written text books to be challenged stick to their guns saying that these lines are nothing but drawings drawn by the early natives to kill their time. My question is, “are you serious”? Let us first examine the location of these Nazca lines and then the drawings or the geoglyphs themselves.
The Nazca lines, as most of you may know, are geoglyphs present in the Nazca desert in Peru. For safety sake and to give a bit of credit to the scholars, these geoglyphs are believed to be created somewhere between 400 and 650 AD by the people of the Nazca culture. Now let us look at the terrain. Look above where I said Nazca desert. That means there is absolutely no vegetation. Moreover, studies and research show that Nazca desert had no history, whatsoever of vegetation for thousands of years. This means that, there are neither trees nor any source of water for kilometres. This naturally implies the impossibility of humans to survive in that desert.

Now, let us look at the geoglyphs themselves. There are about 300 figures in this desert in the form of birds, animals, insects and even human beings. These are made of straight lines and geometric shapes. They stretch for kilometres together (for almost up to 80 kms). So, what is weird about that? If you look at these figures from the ground, they look just like straight lines and some random haphazard lines. When you view them from the air, this is when they actually look like figures. So, if someone had to draw these figures for kilometres together, someone should have directed them from the air. Sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I mean, who could possibly imagine an aeroplane in the period 400 – 600 AD?
But again, how logical or sensible is it to say that tribal people with no help from anyone, without food and water and no human habitable conditions would leave everything behind to come and draw figures which stretch over kilometres? Wouldn’t it take hundreds of years without proper food and water and no geometrical instruments and no map to draw these geoglyphs in a desert? Who in their right mind would come to a desert just to pursue a hobby of drawing? And how could these tribal people, without any external help draw massive geometrically perfect drawings which can be viewed only from air? Who taught them to create such impeccable piece of art?
Again, let us assume for a moment that the indigenous tribal people did draw these massive geoglyphs. The question is why? There must be a purpose, right? Some scholars and academic experts argue that they were for the purpose of crop harvesting. Crop harvesting? In a desert? Am I missing some sense here? Another argument is that they drew these geoglyphs to remember their gods. Alright, this seems agreeable. But wait!! It is not over yet. Who were these gods whom these natives feared, loved and respected so much that they took so much effort for centuries to draw these geoglyphs?
It doesn’t end at the geoglyphs. If you take a look at any picture taken from the sky of the desert, you will also witness massive aircraft runway strip-like plains in the desert. Again, aircraft runway strips in a desert? What are they doing there? Scholars are reluctant to accept them as runway strips. But, take a look at a photo and you decide what they look like. I take here, the liberty of assuming that these gods must have been really important for these indigenous people. And they must have been highly technically advanced. They must have given these people something which these people became indebted to.

Maybe, they taught them agriculture, animal farming and harvesting? And maybe something more? How about the art of drawing and using geometry for these drawings? And maybe they also had sufficient technology to guide these people from the skies? Even if they didn’t flying, how about a map and the knowledge of using a map? Sounds absurd and farfetched? Not more absurd than the claims made by the academics about people drawing geometrically perfect geoglyphs for fun in a desert just because they didn’t have any other work to do.. And with no guidance from anyone else.
So, with all these questions and mysteries staring us in the eye, wouldn’t be a possible theory to state that there must have been indeed a civilization in the distant past which must have been technically advanced?
Monday, January 31, 2011
Incas, Mexico and India- A god connection??
After a long lazy break, I have decided to post a new topic on this blog. In the previous post I had promised that I would be posting some more evidences which may suggest the existence of a previous unknown and advanced civilization on Earth. This post is however a small deviation from that. I will make a sincere attempt to post it as early as possible (hopefully I won't be too lazy this time).
So what is this post about?? I just had a major revelation yesterday when I was talking to my cousin during the evening. I yet need to verify this theory. However, here it is. It all started this way. I was visiting my cousin for the past two days for the weekend. I had asked him few very important questions about a couple of rituals followed by us Brahmins, some time ago. I happened to rekindle his interest regarding those questions yesterday.
During the conversation, I also asked him whether he knew if there existed any relation at all between the Indians and the Mayans/Incas in the distant past. I had this question in my mind for quite some time. I had heard about some ancient Indian scriptures where the Hindu gods had divine architects who were excellent in their art and constructions. These divine builders were called the "Mayas". Though my cousin himself accepted that he is a complete novice when it comes to most religious rituals and traditions, I must say that he is a pious follower and a religious Brahmin who has a deep interest in studying the religious texts.
So, during the discussion I found a very important piece of information my cousin gave regarding this link between Indians and the Incas. If what he said can somehow be proven, then the Indians indeed did have an extraordinary hand in shaping the South Americans future. In fact it so happens that they were the gods of the South/Central American people.
The connection is found in the Inca civilization where their primary god/teacher is Viracocha and his followers called the Viracochas. As we know, Inca mythology has that these Viracochas came from a distant land on boats. My cousin told me that this was none other than the mythological character known as "Virochana" and his followers in India. According to Indian mythology, King Virochana was the son of the great Prahlada(of the Narasimhavatara), the devotee of Vishnu, and father of Bali (of the story of Vamana), also a devotee of Vishnu. In some distant past (probably the Krita yuga), Virochana and his followers may have explored the far land of the Incas as they travelled on boats.
The festival of Onam celebrated in India may have a special connection in this regard. Festivals are celebrated all over India to mark the return of the great demon king Bali (grandson of Prahlada). However in Kerala, the festival Onam (which is celebrated in relation to Bali) has a special ritual - the boat race. These boats are small and long canoes which need to be manned by many oarsmen. These may have been very much similar to the boats mentioned in the Incas mythology. Kerala is specifically a state which attaches significance to the return of Bali.
The connection between ancient India and South American civilizations does not end here. Authors such as Dr. Radhakrishnan, Chaman Lal and Vrndavan Parker have argued with evidence that the first Mexicans were Indians and the great ancient Mexican engineering marvels were built before 15000 BC. Not only that, books such as "Hindu America" and others argue that many of the present day names of cities in Latin America are the corruption of Hindu names. For example, Venezuelan capital Bogota was once "Bhogavati", Guatemala was "Goutamalaya", Soorinama was "Sooryanama". He also argues of the impact of the Vedic people on the South Americans. More information can be obtained here
This may indeed by a very weak link. As I said, this needs to be verified and to be proved. Nonetheless, this may be an evidence that ancient scriptures are not just cock and bull stories, not mere myths but actual historical accounts.
So what is this post about?? I just had a major revelation yesterday when I was talking to my cousin during the evening. I yet need to verify this theory. However, here it is. It all started this way. I was visiting my cousin for the past two days for the weekend. I had asked him few very important questions about a couple of rituals followed by us Brahmins, some time ago. I happened to rekindle his interest regarding those questions yesterday.
During the conversation, I also asked him whether he knew if there existed any relation at all between the Indians and the Mayans/Incas in the distant past. I had this question in my mind for quite some time. I had heard about some ancient Indian scriptures where the Hindu gods had divine architects who were excellent in their art and constructions. These divine builders were called the "Mayas". Though my cousin himself accepted that he is a complete novice when it comes to most religious rituals and traditions, I must say that he is a pious follower and a religious Brahmin who has a deep interest in studying the religious texts.
So, during the discussion I found a very important piece of information my cousin gave regarding this link between Indians and the Incas. If what he said can somehow be proven, then the Indians indeed did have an extraordinary hand in shaping the South Americans future. In fact it so happens that they were the gods of the South/Central American people.
The connection is found in the Inca civilization where their primary god/teacher is Viracocha and his followers called the Viracochas. As we know, Inca mythology has that these Viracochas came from a distant land on boats. My cousin told me that this was none other than the mythological character known as "Virochana" and his followers in India. According to Indian mythology, King Virochana was the son of the great Prahlada(of the Narasimhavatara), the devotee of Vishnu, and father of Bali (of the story of Vamana), also a devotee of Vishnu. In some distant past (probably the Krita yuga), Virochana and his followers may have explored the far land of the Incas as they travelled on boats.
The festival of Onam celebrated in India may have a special connection in this regard. Festivals are celebrated all over India to mark the return of the great demon king Bali (grandson of Prahlada). However in Kerala, the festival Onam (which is celebrated in relation to Bali) has a special ritual - the boat race. These boats are small and long canoes which need to be manned by many oarsmen. These may have been very much similar to the boats mentioned in the Incas mythology. Kerala is specifically a state which attaches significance to the return of Bali.
The connection between ancient India and South American civilizations does not end here. Authors such as Dr. Radhakrishnan, Chaman Lal and Vrndavan Parker have argued with evidence that the first Mexicans were Indians and the great ancient Mexican engineering marvels were built before 15000 BC. Not only that, books such as "Hindu America" and others argue that many of the present day names of cities in Latin America are the corruption of Hindu names. For example, Venezuelan capital Bogota was once "Bhogavati", Guatemala was "Goutamalaya", Soorinama was "Sooryanama". He also argues of the impact of the Vedic people on the South Americans. More information can be obtained here
This may indeed by a very weak link. As I said, this needs to be verified and to be proved. Nonetheless, this may be an evidence that ancient scriptures are not just cock and bull stories, not mere myths but actual historical accounts.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Time to rewrite human history?
This has been on my mind for quite some time and now I have an urge to put this down in my blog. After reading numerous articles and having read books which ask the question "HAS HUMAN CIVILIZATION EXISTED FOR MORE THAN 5000 YEARS" I have decided to come to the conclusion that "yes, it may have actually existed for more than the period we know or have blindly accepted". Why this inspiration, don't ask. As I always say, I call myself a truth seeker. My obsession started with light readings related to secret societies and occult science and then moved to serious discussions regarding world history. After having read these articles and also having read the counter arguments of the main stream scientists, having had countless hours of arguments in my close circle, it only inspired me to spend more time on the internet do more research on these things. And I could come up with only one conclusion that it may be high time that human history be rewritten. Does it make any difference? Honestly this may not affect or mean anything to more than half of the people in this world and personally speaking, not even me. But I always believed that if something needs to be taught to a common man or a child, then let the truth be taught. And I think that at this point of time, main stream archeologists and scientists have come to a point where they are taking deliberate measures to either suppress the truth or selectively filter knowledge just because the recent findings and evidences just don't fit the accepted theory. Instead of putting an honest effort into unraveling the truth, I feel that every measure is being taken by the main stream academics to discredit any startling findings. I personally feel that any person who puts an honest effort to unravel these mysteries is just discredited or being called names and pushed away into the group of pseudo science. Mind you, the conclusion I have drawn from these evidences is strictly my point of view. You need not agree with this and you are free to argue with me. But if you do intend to argue with me, all I say is do your homework properly and then pit your arguments. I have personally experienced three kinds of people whenever I put forth my arguments to support my conclusion to rewrite history. The first category involved people who outrightly rejected it and called me stupid, gullible and what not. The second set of people actually read the articles I presented, found it interesting and yet refused to accept it. The third set involved people who said that they would not reject anything outright and would consider this as one of the numerous possibilities. I have absolutely no qualms with the second and third set of people and I do respect their point of view. But I definitely do have issues with the first set of people (I don't have any personal issues with them, they aren't my enemies and they are indeed nice people). The only problem I have with such people is that they don't do their homework properly before rejecting something outright. When I presented articles to support my point of view, they just refused to even read them, applied no logic or common sense, and just went on arguing that everything which is accepted today is right. They even refuse to accept that even most of the times accepted science can be wrong and there are times when accepted science has seriously erred on many occasions. All I want them to do is do a proper homework, try to be open minded (whether they accept the theory or not) before they reject anything.
Now coming to the question "Did advanced human civilization exist for more than 5000 years?", I am compelled to believe that it has existed. Fortunately or unfortunately, for good or bad, it has become a lost chapter in human history. There are hundreds if not thousands of evidence available and new discoveries are made almost everyday in one or the other part of the world. Frankly speaking I am no academic, I may not know even the tip of the iceberg. I am interested in only reading about these things and not any serious research. Moreover, I should admit that I myself don't necessarily believe in all the things which are submitted as proof without sufficient evidence to back them up. But I will certainly say that from whatever simple proofs they have found, for a person with ordinary general knowledge and common sense, it seems highly impossible to reject these evidences. I can keep writing endlessly on this post but it will take me days together to complete it. I will present some very simple yet uncomfortable evidences. You can draw your own conclusions and as I said earlier, if you want to argue with me, you better do your homework properly to back up your evidence.
In this post I will post only a few recent marine archeological findings whereas in my next post I intend to post some other findings. Off late numerous findings have been made in marine archeology especially sunken cities. These sunken cities are found all over the globe. What I mean by "sunken cities" are the vast complexes of man-made or built structures which are now submerged under sea. I won't be going into details of when they were found or any such chronology or stories. I will just introduce them very briefly and post a few links. You can check them out.
There are many such sunken cities found today all over the planet, some controversial and seemingly mysterious and others accepted as genuine waiting further evidence gathering. One such sunken city is Yonaguni, an island off Japan, a part of the Ryuku islands chain. Massive structure of a supposed pyramid has been found underwater near this island. The step formation and the structure of the stone has become a mystery. Mainstream scientists tend to argue that it is a natural stone structure. But serious questions have been raised about the natural formation theory. Scientists have been forced to accept that though the structure may not be entirely man-made there may be significant human intervention here. Similarly a sunken city was found near the western coast of India (the Gulf of Cambay) which is the supposed mythical city of Dwaraka and a city near the south eastern coast of India near Mahabalipuram. There is also an underwater city found near Cuba.
With all these discoveries, one can only start wondering what these cities are doing under sea and how they came there? And looking at the vast complexes, one needs to start questioning if large civilizations existed before the ice age and the great deluge. Here are some of the links, take a look at them, use your own common sense and reasoning, and draw your conclusions. I will be posting some more supposed proofs which state that not only did civilizations exist before the ice age, but they were also technically advanced.
If you still want to reject it right away, then I can only say "Let them with eyes see".
You can also take a look at the photos here

Now coming to the question "Did advanced human civilization exist for more than 5000 years?", I am compelled to believe that it has existed. Fortunately or unfortunately, for good or bad, it has become a lost chapter in human history. There are hundreds if not thousands of evidence available and new discoveries are made almost everyday in one or the other part of the world. Frankly speaking I am no academic, I may not know even the tip of the iceberg. I am interested in only reading about these things and not any serious research. Moreover, I should admit that I myself don't necessarily believe in all the things which are submitted as proof without sufficient evidence to back them up. But I will certainly say that from whatever simple proofs they have found, for a person with ordinary general knowledge and common sense, it seems highly impossible to reject these evidences. I can keep writing endlessly on this post but it will take me days together to complete it. I will present some very simple yet uncomfortable evidences. You can draw your own conclusions and as I said earlier, if you want to argue with me, you better do your homework properly to back up your evidence.
In this post I will post only a few recent marine archeological findings whereas in my next post I intend to post some other findings. Off late numerous findings have been made in marine archeology especially sunken cities. These sunken cities are found all over the globe. What I mean by "sunken cities" are the vast complexes of man-made or built structures which are now submerged under sea. I won't be going into details of when they were found or any such chronology or stories. I will just introduce them very briefly and post a few links. You can check them out.
There are many such sunken cities found today all over the planet, some controversial and seemingly mysterious and others accepted as genuine waiting further evidence gathering. One such sunken city is Yonaguni, an island off Japan, a part of the Ryuku islands chain. Massive structure of a supposed pyramid has been found underwater near this island. The step formation and the structure of the stone has become a mystery. Mainstream scientists tend to argue that it is a natural stone structure. But serious questions have been raised about the natural formation theory. Scientists have been forced to accept that though the structure may not be entirely man-made there may be significant human intervention here. Similarly a sunken city was found near the western coast of India (the Gulf of Cambay) which is the supposed mythical city of Dwaraka and a city near the south eastern coast of India near Mahabalipuram. There is also an underwater city found near Cuba.
With all these discoveries, one can only start wondering what these cities are doing under sea and how they came there? And looking at the vast complexes, one needs to start questioning if large civilizations existed before the ice age and the great deluge. Here are some of the links, take a look at them, use your own common sense and reasoning, and draw your conclusions. I will be posting some more supposed proofs which state that not only did civilizations exist before the ice age, but they were also technically advanced.
If you still want to reject it right away, then I can only say "Let them with eyes see".
You can also take a look at the photos here
Friday, July 31, 2009
The previous post I wrote was probably one of the only conscious encounters I have had in Telepathy. But as I told you, I consider myself of having a very bad memory. Or it may also be possible that this was the only noteworthy experience I had in Telepathy.
Another part of ESP is Hunches. Some people call it intuition or gut feeling as well. Another common word is Premonition. Call it whatever you want. I have had encounters of premonitions or hunches in almost everyday life and I have now been trying to actively use my premonitions. Now what makes this special? It will be wrong if I said that my intuitions are special from someone else. But what makes me intrigued is the frequency with which it occurs and the accuracy it has. Certainly, any person would have an intuition at any point of time. Majority of the times, it may or may not come true. But what would you say if you have premonitions atleast three to four times a week with an accuracy rate of more than 6o to 70 percent?
For example, you travel in a bus. You suddenly have a gut feeling that something wrong's about to happen and suddenly when you get down and find out that your cell phone or your wallet has been picked. Suppose you are watching a cricket match between Sri Lanka and Pakistan. You have the gut feeling that Sri Lanka would win. What would you say at the end of the day if Sri Lanka actually won the match?
As another example, you are playing cards with your friends and you want to know which card of which colour one of your friends is going to play, and he plays exactly the same card of the same colour. How would you explain this?
This is one of the incidents which I encountered. A couple of months ago, some of our friends had met and decided to play cards. We have a particular game in India, in which the person who bids to make the highest points sets something called a "trump". A trump basically consists of a particular colour, with which at any point of the game anybody can use to trounce the opponent's points and gain points. This trump card is hidden by the person who sets it and will be known to everyone only when it is opened. Sometime during the game, without my conscious effort, I told the players what the trump card was, the exact colour and the exact number on the card and when it was opened to everyone's shock, it was the same colour and the same card I had mentioned. The following three games followed the same pattern. Furthermore, I even told them which team would win the final game and to everyone's surprise, the same team actually won the game. How would someone explain this? Was it just a gut feeling or a vision or something else?
Another part of ESP is Hunches. Some people call it intuition or gut feeling as well. Another common word is Premonition. Call it whatever you want. I have had encounters of premonitions or hunches in almost everyday life and I have now been trying to actively use my premonitions. Now what makes this special? It will be wrong if I said that my intuitions are special from someone else. But what makes me intrigued is the frequency with which it occurs and the accuracy it has. Certainly, any person would have an intuition at any point of time. Majority of the times, it may or may not come true. But what would you say if you have premonitions atleast three to four times a week with an accuracy rate of more than 6o to 70 percent?
For example, you travel in a bus. You suddenly have a gut feeling that something wrong's about to happen and suddenly when you get down and find out that your cell phone or your wallet has been picked. Suppose you are watching a cricket match between Sri Lanka and Pakistan. You have the gut feeling that Sri Lanka would win. What would you say at the end of the day if Sri Lanka actually won the match?
As another example, you are playing cards with your friends and you want to know which card of which colour one of your friends is going to play, and he plays exactly the same card of the same colour. How would you explain this?
This is one of the incidents which I encountered. A couple of months ago, some of our friends had met and decided to play cards. We have a particular game in India, in which the person who bids to make the highest points sets something called a "trump". A trump basically consists of a particular colour, with which at any point of the game anybody can use to trounce the opponent's points and gain points. This trump card is hidden by the person who sets it and will be known to everyone only when it is opened. Sometime during the game, without my conscious effort, I told the players what the trump card was, the exact colour and the exact number on the card and when it was opened to everyone's shock, it was the same colour and the same card I had mentioned. The following three games followed the same pattern. Furthermore, I even told them which team would win the final game and to everyone's surprise, the same team actually won the game. How would someone explain this? Was it just a gut feeling or a vision or something else?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My first conscious encounter with ESP
When it comes to ESP (Extra Sensory Perception), Telepathy is an inseperable part of it. I had my first encounter with Telepathy in my High School(when I was in my ninth grade) and the following is an account of that (please bear with me if you feel like you are reading a story, but this is a fact).
Just to give you a small background of my childhood days, I was a boy who believed in god and was regularly following majority of the rituals(though I was never orthodox). I had also off late taken up learning a particular form of Yoga called Sahaja Yoga (or Kundalini Yoga) from one my school teachers and it was almost an year into it.
The D-day when I had this encounter was our school annual day. A few days ago I had received new clothes from my aunt. As every child would be, I was very impressed and wore the same clothes for my school day. During some time I had to change them since I was participating in some of the sports events. Everything about the day went fine and I was very happy since I too had received some awards. As soon as I returned home there was trouble waiting around the corner. My parents noticed that I didn't have my new clothes with me. I always consider myself having a very poor memory. I was horrified to see that I had forgotten to pick them up and to my anguish I had no memory of where I had kept them. And it was late night that I had realized this and there was no way I could go back to school and check it out since the school doors were already locked. Moreover the place I spent this part of my life is a place where I can easily count on someone actually stealing it and I wouldn't be wrong on that. As any ordinary kid would do, I wept for having lost my newly gifted clothes and no way of finding it out where it was.
At this point of time, I remembered something that my teacher who taught me Yoga had told me. He said, this particular form of Yoga if practised properly for many years, would actually give us the abiltiy of looking ahead into the future and also access various powers which our ordinary brain cannot think of. I intended to put this into test. Just before I slept, I went into deep meditation and after about ten to fifteen minutes I had slept. During this meditation, I was trying to access the whereabouts of my clothes. Now somewhere during the time I slept, I cannot explain whether it was a dream or vision, I could see my clothes lying in one of the classrooms in our school that had been used as a change room for that day. Once I woke up in the morning, though it was a holiday, I thought of giving it a shot. I went to school, to the same classroom which I had seen in my dream. It was a mixture of shock and happiness, to see those clothes in the same way and same position I had seen in my dream.
Now, I don't know how you would explain this. Call it a co-incidence, call it a miracle or whatever. I prefer to call it my first conscious encounter with Telepathy.
Just to give you a small background of my childhood days, I was a boy who believed in god and was regularly following majority of the rituals(though I was never orthodox). I had also off late taken up learning a particular form of Yoga called Sahaja Yoga (or Kundalini Yoga) from one my school teachers and it was almost an year into it.
The D-day when I had this encounter was our school annual day. A few days ago I had received new clothes from my aunt. As every child would be, I was very impressed and wore the same clothes for my school day. During some time I had to change them since I was participating in some of the sports events. Everything about the day went fine and I was very happy since I too had received some awards. As soon as I returned home there was trouble waiting around the corner. My parents noticed that I didn't have my new clothes with me. I always consider myself having a very poor memory. I was horrified to see that I had forgotten to pick them up and to my anguish I had no memory of where I had kept them. And it was late night that I had realized this and there was no way I could go back to school and check it out since the school doors were already locked. Moreover the place I spent this part of my life is a place where I can easily count on someone actually stealing it and I wouldn't be wrong on that. As any ordinary kid would do, I wept for having lost my newly gifted clothes and no way of finding it out where it was.
At this point of time, I remembered something that my teacher who taught me Yoga had told me. He said, this particular form of Yoga if practised properly for many years, would actually give us the abiltiy of looking ahead into the future and also access various powers which our ordinary brain cannot think of. I intended to put this into test. Just before I slept, I went into deep meditation and after about ten to fifteen minutes I had slept. During this meditation, I was trying to access the whereabouts of my clothes. Now somewhere during the time I slept, I cannot explain whether it was a dream or vision, I could see my clothes lying in one of the classrooms in our school that had been used as a change room for that day. Once I woke up in the morning, though it was a holiday, I thought of giving it a shot. I went to school, to the same classroom which I had seen in my dream. It was a mixture of shock and happiness, to see those clothes in the same way and same position I had seen in my dream.
Now, I don't know how you would explain this. Call it a co-incidence, call it a miracle or whatever. I prefer to call it my first conscious encounter with Telepathy.
The Beginning
It's been said and I have personally come to believe that each and every person in his life, along with the regular normal experiences, encounters atleast one experience which makes him think and question about the existance of something beyond his control and power, something which doesn't seem normal, something paranormal: May it be a hunch/intuition coming true or a foresight of the future, an incident repeating itself again (deja vu) or a mental message from person to person (telepathy) or a death message, every person would have experienced it atleast once in his lifetime. Many ignore it, some try to explore it, some more people try to make it a passion to explore these unexplained mysteries and others consciously practise them.
Throughout my life, from my high school till now, I have consciously or unconsciously encountered many such paranormal experiences (commonly called ESP: Extra Sensory Perception) and fortunately or unfortunately for me, I am one of those people who has taken upon exploring these phenomena and consciously practise it as a passion to open new avenues. Now, you need to know that I am by no means any Edgar Cayce or anyone who has made a mark in this field. I consider myself an ordinary person among the millions on this earth going about their daily work and ambitions in life. But the experiences I have personally encountered in everyday life with these phenomena have definitely made me believe that I am gifted. Now what will I be doing with this gift, I don't know. I even don't know whether I was born with this gift or I have acquired it, I don't know whether this is something I can boast about or keep it a secret, I don't know whether it is temporary or permanant, whether it is a gift or a curse. All I know is that these are my personal experiences and they are worth a mention in this small blog of mine. Now it is upto you what you want to do with this blog. You can either believe it or laugh it off or you can cosider them as pure coincidences. I only request you that if you believe it, please do not look me at a level different from you.
Throughout my life, from my high school till now, I have consciously or unconsciously encountered many such paranormal experiences (commonly called ESP: Extra Sensory Perception) and fortunately or unfortunately for me, I am one of those people who has taken upon exploring these phenomena and consciously practise it as a passion to open new avenues. Now, you need to know that I am by no means any Edgar Cayce or anyone who has made a mark in this field. I consider myself an ordinary person among the millions on this earth going about their daily work and ambitions in life. But the experiences I have personally encountered in everyday life with these phenomena have definitely made me believe that I am gifted. Now what will I be doing with this gift, I don't know. I even don't know whether I was born with this gift or I have acquired it, I don't know whether this is something I can boast about or keep it a secret, I don't know whether it is temporary or permanant, whether it is a gift or a curse. All I know is that these are my personal experiences and they are worth a mention in this small blog of mine. Now it is upto you what you want to do with this blog. You can either believe it or laugh it off or you can cosider them as pure coincidences. I only request you that if you believe it, please do not look me at a level different from you.
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