After a long lazy break, I have decided to post a new topic on this blog. In the previous post I had promised that I would be posting some more evidences which may suggest the existence of a previous unknown and advanced civilization on Earth. This post is however a small deviation from that. I will make a sincere attempt to post it as early as possible (hopefully I won't be too lazy this time).
So what is this post about?? I just had a major revelation yesterday when I was talking to my cousin during the evening. I yet need to verify this theory. However, here it is. It all started this way. I was visiting my cousin for the past two days for the weekend. I had asked him few very important questions about a couple of rituals followed by us Brahmins, some time ago. I happened to rekindle his interest regarding those questions yesterday.
During the conversation, I also asked him whether he knew if there existed any relation at all between the Indians and the Mayans/Incas in the distant past. I had this question in my mind for quite some time. I had heard about some ancient Indian scriptures where the Hindu gods had divine architects who were excellent in their art and constructions. These divine builders were called the "Mayas". Though my cousin himself accepted that he is a complete novice when it comes to most religious rituals and traditions, I must say that he is a pious follower and a religious Brahmin who has a deep interest in studying the religious texts.
So, during the discussion I found a very important piece of information my cousin gave regarding this link between Indians and the Incas. If what he said can somehow be proven, then the Indians indeed did have an extraordinary hand in shaping the South Americans future. In fact it so happens that they were the gods of the South/Central American people.
The connection is found in the Inca civilization where their primary god/teacher is Viracocha and his followers called the Viracochas. As we know, Inca mythology has that these Viracochas came from a distant land on boats. My cousin told me that this was none other than the mythological character known as "Virochana" and his followers in India. According to Indian mythology, King Virochana was the son of the great Prahlada(of the Narasimhavatara), the devotee of Vishnu, and father of Bali (of the story of Vamana), also a devotee of Vishnu. In some distant past (probably the Krita yuga), Virochana and his followers may have explored the far land of the Incas as they travelled on boats.
The festival of Onam celebrated in India may have a special connection in this regard. Festivals are celebrated all over India to mark the return of the great demon king Bali (grandson of Prahlada). However in Kerala, the festival Onam (which is celebrated in relation to Bali) has a special ritual - the boat race. These boats are small and long canoes which need to be manned by many oarsmen. These may have been very much similar to the boats mentioned in the Incas mythology. Kerala is specifically a state which attaches significance to the return of Bali.
The connection between ancient India and South American civilizations does not end here. Authors such as Dr. Radhakrishnan, Chaman Lal and Vrndavan Parker have argued with evidence that the first Mexicans were Indians and the great ancient Mexican engineering marvels were built before 15000 BC. Not only that, books such as "Hindu America" and others argue that many of the present day names of cities in Latin America are the corruption of Hindu names. For example, Venezuelan capital Bogota was once "Bhogavati", Guatemala was "Goutamalaya", Soorinama was "Sooryanama". He also argues of the impact of the Vedic people on the South Americans. More information can be obtained here
This may indeed by a very weak link. As I said, this needs to be verified and to be proved. Nonetheless, this may be an evidence that ancient scriptures are not just cock and bull stories, not mere myths but actual historical accounts.